
Friday, March 23, 2018

ONGC is hiring Executives at E1 level through UGC-NET

OIL and Natural Gas Corporation, a flag chip oil PSU is engaged in exploration and production of oil and gas in India and abroad. A global player in energy, ONGC contributes around 65 percent of country's domestic oil and gas production. Currently, ONGC through its subsidiary ONGC Videsh (OVL), is India's largest transnational corporate with...
overseas investment of over 10 bn US dollar in as many 17 countries.
ONGC wants promising, energetic and young Indian citizens with bright academic record to join it at E1 level. The selected candidates will be placed in the pay scale of Rs 60,000 --Rs 1,80,000 with an increment of 3 percent per annum. Besides Basic pay the employee is entitled to allowance @35% of the basic pay under Cafetaria Approach, DA, HRA Company accommodation, Contributary PF, Conveyance Maintenance, Substantial Performance Related Pay (PRP), medical facility for self and dependents, Gratuity, Post-retirement benefit scheme and Composite Social Security Scheme as per the company rules.
Details of Posts:
1. Human Resource Executive
2. Finance and Accounts Officer
2. Finance and Accounts Officer
No. of posts and reservation: Number of posts will be notified at http://www.ongcindia.comon or before the starting of online application process.
Eligibility Criteria:
HR Executive
Essential Qualification: MBA with specialization in Personnel Management / HRD / HRM with minimum 60% marks OR Post Graduate degree in Personnel Management/ IR/ Labour Welfare with minimum 60% marks OR Minimum 2 years full time Post Graduate Diploma in PM/IR/Labour Welfare with minimum 60% marks
UGC NET Subject: Labour Welfare/Personnel Management/Industrial Relations/Labour and Social Welfare/Human Resource Management (Subject Code-55) Or Management (Subject Code-17)
Age limit as on January 1, 2018: General candidates 30 years, OBC 33 years, SC,ST 35 years
F&A Officer
Essential Qualification: MBA with specialization in Finance with minimum 60% Marks
UGC NET Subject: Management (Subject Code-17)
Age limit as on January 1, 2018: General, 30 years , OBC 33 years, SC,ST 35 years
Official Language Officer
Essential Qualification: Post Graduate in Hindi with minimum 60% marks. Must have English as a subject in graduation. Experience in translation work preferred for all categories
UGC NET Subject: Hindi (Subject Code-20)
Age limit as on January 1, 2018: General 30 years, ST 35 years
Pay Scale: The selected candidates will be placed in the pay scale of Rs. 60,000 - 180,000//- with an increment of 3% per year. Besides Basic Pay, the employee is entitled to allowance @ 35% of Basic Pay under Cafeteria Approach, Dearness Allowance, HRA/Company Accommodation, Contributory Provident Fund, Conveyance Maintenance, Substantial Performance Related Pay (PRP),Medical Facility for self and dependents, Gratuity, Post Retirement Benefit Scheme and Composite Social Security Scheme as per Company rules.
Selection Procedure:
Eligible candidates meeting age and minimum eligibility criteria of ONGC will be required to appear in the corresponding UGC-NET Subject (as mentioned with the post) of University Grant Commission National Eligibility Test (UGC-NET) examination to be held in July 2018.
Candidates have to essentially qualify the UGC-NET examination of July 2018. Score from UGC-NET examination of July 2018 ONLY is valid for this recruitment exercise under this advertisement. Score from any previous UGC-NET examination is not valid.
Only those candidates who are declared qualified by UGC-NET as above, will be considered for short-listing as per the criteria decided by the ONGC Management for further selection process subject to their meeting the eligibility criteria with regard to age, qualification etc.
The final merit list shall be prepared based on the weightages assigned to various parameters as follows:
Particulars/ Marks:
I. Weight age of UGC-NET examination of July 2018 Score -60 Marks
II. Interview - 15 Marks
III. Qualification - 25 Marks ( 20 Marks for Essential Qualification & 05 marks for in line PhD*)
Total - 100 Marks
* If awarded & documentary proof produced on the date of interview.
Hiring Process : Written-test
Job Role: HR / Admin
How to apply
The application process consists of the following two stages:
i) On-line registration for UGC- NET examination to be held on July, 2018
ii) Online application at link available on along with UGC-NET Registration/Roll number.
The online registration site would be opened from 1300 hrs. on 06/04/2018 to 1800 hrs. on 27/04/2018.
Important Dates:
a. Start Date for online application - 06.04.2018(1300 hrs.)
b. Last date of for online application - 27.04.2018(1800 Hrs.)
c. Scheduling of Interviews - September 2018 (Tentative)
FOR UGC-NET July 2018 Examination:
a. Start date for submission of online application form - 06.03.2018
b. Last date for applying online application - 05.04.2018
c. Last date of submission of Fee through online generated Bank challan , at any branch of Syndicate/Canara/ ICICI/HDFC Bank - 06.04.2018
d. Date of UGC-NET Examination (to be conducted by CBSE) - 08.07.2018

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